Managing your Emotive conversations in Zendesk is easy! Click here to access the full-page guide.
How the integration works
Our goal with our Zendesk integration is to allow you to manage all of your Emotive conversations right from within Zendesk.
- New conversations that happen in Emotive create tickets in Zendesk
- Opt out shoppers directly from Zendesk via keyword #optout or #opt-out
- All customer responses from Emotive are added to the same, open ticket in Zendesk
- Conversations that Emotive starts with customers will sync to provide context for where the conversation was handed off to Zendesk
- Responding to a ticket in Zendesk sends a message via Emotive to the customer
- Closing a ticket in Zendesk closes a Conversation in Emotive
- When we learn the customers name from an order or an abandoned checkout, we'll update the user profile in Zendesk with their first and last name on the next ticket that is opened
- All new tickets are tagged emotive for easier filtering and conversation management in Zendesk
- Strip signatures saved in Zendesk from all responses to customers
Don't see something here that you need? Please let us know by submitting a feature request to our product team here and clicking the blue submit idea button. We review every feature request!
Create the API token in Zendesk
- Navigate to Zendesk.
- Select Apps and Integrations > APIs.
- Select Zendesk API.
- API token description: Zendesk Integration w/ Emotive.
- Copy the API Token > Save.
Integrate Zendesk with Emotive
- Navigate to Integrations.
- Select Zendesk > Add Integration.
- Add your Zendesk API Key
- Include the email used for Zendesk (needs to be an admin)
- Include your Zendesk subdomain (if it is, subdomain would be emotive123)
Click "Save Changes" and your Zendesk integration is ready to go! 🎉
Do you manage multiple accounts in Zendesk? If yes, please follow these additional steps. You will need to create settings in Emotive for every account in Zendesk if there exists a linked account on Emotive.
First, find the Brand Name in Zendesk:
- In Zendesk, Go to the Admin Menu and Click on "Account"
- Under the "Branding" tab look for "Brands Menu"
- Click on the desired Brand from the list of Brands
- Copy the Brand Name exactly as it is
Note: If you do not have "Brands Menu" under the Branding tab within the Account menu, you need not worry about this setting.
Second, update Brand Name in Emotive:
- On the Integrations page
- Select "Yes" as below
- Enter Zendesk Brand Name (including spaces)
- Click "Save Changes" and its ready for use!
Note: The Zendesk API key, email address and Zendesk subdomain do not need to be changed as its common across multiple sub-accounts.