How the integration works

Our goal with our Gorgias integration is to allow you to manage all of your Emotive conversations right from within Gorgias. 


  1. New conversations that happen in Emotive create tickets in Gorgias
  2. All customer responses from Emotive are added to the same, open ticket in Gorgias
  3. Conversations that Emotive starts with customers will sync to provide context for where the conversation was handed off to Gorgias
  4. Responding to a ticket in Gorgias sends a message via Emotive to the customer
  5. Closing a ticket in Gorgias closes a Conversation in Emotive
  6. When we learn the customers name from an order or an abandoned checkout, we'll update the user profile in Gorgias with their first and last name on the next ticket that is opened
  7. All new tickets are tagged emotive for easier filtering and conversation management in Gorgias
  8. Sending images to a customer via Gorgias
  9. Opting out a customer via Gorgias commands

Don't see something here that you need? Please let us know by submitting a feature request to our product team here and clicking the blue submit idea button. We review every feature request!


Setup your Gorgias account

We'll need to first setup our integration in Emotive and then add our webhooks to the Gorgias account.


Obtain your REST API credentials from Gorgias

  1. Navigate to Gorgias > Settings > Rest API.
  2. Input credentials in Emotive
    • API Key
    • Base API URL
    • Username

Changes to be made in Gorgias Account

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Select Integrations.
  3. Setup webhooks with instructions below.

Step 1: Ticket Message Created Webhook

This webhook lets Emotive know when a new ticket message (ie. a response to a customer) is added to a ticket.

Create an HTTP Integration with following parameters.
Name – Emotive Integration.
Trigger - Ticket Message Created  ** (important, make sure that this is Ticket Message Created) **
HTTP Method – POST
Request/Response Content-Type – application/json
Request body – paste the content below:

    "message_html": "{{message.body_html}}",
    "ticketId": "{{}}",
    "brand": "{{ticket.meta.baseUrl}}",
    "message_status": "{{ticket.status}}",
    "subject": "{{ticket.subject}}",
    "message_sent": "{{message}}",
    "from_agent": "{{message.from_agent}}",
    "internal_note": "{{message.public}}",
    "message_attachments": "{{message.attachments}}",
    "message_body": "{{message.stripped_text}}"

Step 2: Ticket Updated Webhook

This webhook let's Emotive know that a ticket in Gorgias has been updated.

Create another HTTP Integration with following parameters
Name – Emotive Webhook
Trigger – Ticket Updated ** (important, make sure that this is Ticket Updated) **
HTTP Method – POST
Request/Response Content-Type – application/json
Request Body – paste the content below:


Congratulations 🎉

You have completed all the steps, now you will see new tickets coming like any other, they will have the naming convention at the beginning of the subject that includes Emotive, example: