Emotive Experiences allow you to automate the messaging that is sent to customers, helping you to initiate sales-driven conversations to up-sell customers and increase on-site conversion rates. Read about best practices and our recommended messaging below!

Pre-Purchase Messaging: Encouraging New Customers to Buy

By engaging with potential customers and empowering your team to answer any questions preventing a sale, you can drastically increase your on-site conversion rates. Sending a pre-purchase message is a great way to start building that customer relationship.


  • Time it right: Sending this message 1-2 days after the customer has opted in will help keep them engaged with your brand

  • Message as a human, not as a company: People like talking to people, not machines. Set the message up as if it's coming from a specific person

  • Always link back to your website: Make it easy for the customer to start shopping!

  • Friendly reminder: Did you send the customer a discount code as an incentive to opt into texting? Include that same code as a reminder to purchase and create a sense of urgency


  • Hey there, it's Amy from Perfect Tees! I saw you haven't used the code TEXT10 we sent you and wanted to check in. Do you have any questions I can help answer? PS if you are ready to use your code, just follow this link to redeem! <link>

Post-Purchase Follow Up: Deliver Unparalleled Customer Service

Use automated messaging to follow up with customers and ensure order satisfaction. Building a relationship within 30 days of a first-time order is key for increasing retention and building long-term loyalty.


  • Set yourself up for success: Our "Ensure Satisfaction After Orders" template combines automation with the human touch - we use Google's sentiment analysis to determine if a customer's response is happy or not. Happy customers get a pre-set message, while unhappy customers are routed to your team for help

  • Keep the message personal: Use the name variable (blue button) to personalize the message to the customer. Even better? Set up the message as if it's coming directly from a member of your team

  • Always include your company name: Remind the customer who's messaging them (and why!)

  • Be conversational: Engage the customer to prompt a response and start building the relationship 


  • Hey <name>, it's Amy from Perfect Tees! I saw your order was delivered and wanted to check in. How are you enjoying everything so far?

Post-Purchase Follow Up: Cross Sell or Prompt Reorders

Reorder: Perfect for cosmetics + food and beverage brands

  • Trigger a reorder when customers might be running low from their initial order (the timing depends on the purchase cycle of your product)

Cross Sell: Great for all brands, especially fashion

  • Recommend another product customers might like or highlight a new product to recommend to customers to increase awareness of other product offerings


  • Hey <name>, it's Amy from Snack Central! I thought it might be time to restock your pantry and wanted to check in. You can click the link below to reorder - if you have any questions just let me know! <link>

After your first 3 messages...

  • Leave at least a 2 week gap between messages after the first month (too many messages can lead to increased unsubscribe rates)