You can find all of your results in the Experiences section of Emotive.
First, scroll down to the Experience labeled Opt-in Previous Customers - Manual Message. It should be at the very end of the list.
Look at "Customers" to see how many customers the manual text message was sent to (29,993 in the example below). Look at "CTR" to see the click through rate on the manual message (12.87% in the example below).

To see how many new opt-ins were generated from the manual text message, scroll up to your Signed Up Experiences and view the results for the Experience labeled New Subscriber - Thank you - Manual Message. The number under "Customers" will tell you how many customers opted in from the initial text message (1,629 in the example below).

You can also see how many sales were generated just from this welcome message under "Sales" ($970.94 in the example above), but you can expect even more sales once you start Broadcasting to your subscriber list that now includes these opt-ins!