How the integration works

Our goal with our Freshdesk integration is to allow you to manage all of your Emotive conversations right from within Freshdesk
  1. New conversations that happen in Emotive create tickets in Freshdesk
  2. Opt out shoppers directly from Freshdesk via keyword #optout or #opt-out
  3. All customer responses from Emotive are added to the same, open ticket in Freshdesk
  4. Conversations that Emotive starts with customers will sync to provide context for where the conversation was handed off to Freshdesk
  5. Responding to a ticket in Freshdesk sends a message via Emotive to the customer
  6. Closing a ticket in Freshdesk closes a Conversation in Emotive

Integrate Freshdesk in Emotive

  1. Navigate to Integrations.
  2. Select Freshdesk > Add Integration.
  3. Generate API key to add in Zapier.

Zapier connection to integrate with Emotive

  1. Click Try this Zap and complete setup for all available Zaps.
  2. It will open up a Zap flow and you will need to authenticate by inputting the copied Freshdesk key into the Helpdesk API Key field.
  3. Input your Freshdesk credentials to authenticate (this only needs to be done once). 

Learn more about Ticket actions

  1. Follow the link here to learn more about the available ticket actions and the Freshdesk integration.